IGLA 2022 Palm Springs - 4/7/2022 to 4/10/2022
                                       Team Rankings - Through Event 44
                                              Women - Team Scores
                            Place Team                                            Points
                                1 West Hollywood Aquatics            WH2O            649
                                2 Long Beach Grunions                LBG             499
                                3 District of Columbia Aquatics      DCAC            341
                                4 Swim Fort Lauderdale               SFTL            209
                                5 San Francisco Tsunami Swimming     TSUN            177
                                6 Las Vegas Masters                  LVM             100
                                7 Unattached Southern Pacific        UC33             86
                                8 Conejo Valley Multisport Maste     CVMM             80
                                9 Portland Timberfish                PDX              75
                               10 Different Strokes                  DS-M             55
                               10 Orca Swim Team                     ORCA             55
                               10 New York Athletic Club             NYAC             55
                               10 Team Redbird                       TRB              55
                               14 Mission Viejo Masters              MVN              53
                               15 Fins Aquatics Club                 FINSP            51
                               15 Minnesota Ice                      MNICE            51
                               17 Rose Bowl Masters                  ROSE             47
                               18 Albany Armada Aquatics Masters     ALB              46
                               19 English Bay Swim Club              EBSC             44
                               19 English Bay WhiskeyJacks           EBWJ             44
                               21 Masters of San Clemente Aquati     MSCA             36
                               22 Denver Squid                       SQUID            34
                               23 San Diego Swim Masters             SDSM             33
                               23 Southern California Aquatics       SCAQ             33
                               25 Team New York Aquatics             TNYA             16
                                               Men - Team Scores
                            Place Team                                            Points
                                1 District of Columbia Aquatics      DCAC           1679
                                2 West Hollywood Aquatics            WH2O           1396
                                3 San Francisco Tsunami Swimming     TSUN           1003.5
                                4 Different Strokes Swim Team        DSST1           866
                                5 Long Beach Grunions                LBG             644
                                6 Team New York Aquatics             TNYA            443
                                7 Minnesota Ice                      MNICE           359.5
                                8 Dogos NataciÛn Argentina           DNA             310.5
                                9 Downtown Swim Club Toronto         DSC             283
                               10 Orca Swim Team                     ORCA            264
                               11 Swim Fort Lauderdale               SFTL            209
                               12 Portland Timberfish                PDX             170
                               12 ¿ Contre-Courant Swimming          ACC             170
                               14 Atlanta Rainbow Trout              ART             165
                               15 Gold Coast Masters                 GOLD            150
                               16 San Diego Swim Masters             SDSM            126
                               17 Making Waves Aquatics Club         MW              116
                               18 Novaquatics Masters                NOVA            115.5
                               19 Swim Out Orlando                   SWOUT            98
                               20 Ohio Splash                        OHSP             90
                               21 Queer Utah Aquatic Club            QUAC             80
                               22 Out to Swim                        O2SWM            70
                               23 Rose Bowl Masters                  ROSE             66
                               24 Unattached Southern Pacific        UC33             64
                               25 Unattached Pacific                 UC38             58
                               26 St Petersburg Masters              SPM              55
                               27 Boston Lanes (Liquid Assets Ne     LANES            54
                               28 Piranha Swim Team Masters          PSP              53
                               29 Team Auckland Masters              AUCK             51
                               29 Paris Aquatique                    PARIS            51
                               31 Hawai'i Masters                    HIMA             47
                               32 Ventura County Masters             VCM              44
                               32 Conejo Valley Multisport Maste     CVMM             44
                               34 Golden Road Aquatics               GRA              38
                               34 Missouri Valley Masters            MOVY             38
                               34 Coronado Masters Association       CMA              38
                               37 Gay Swim Amsterdam                 GSWAM            37
                               37 Santa Barbara Masters Swimming     SBM              37
                               37 Jellies Aquatics Masters of Mo     JAMM             37
                               37 Hammerhead Aquatics                HAFL             37
                               41 Chicago Smelts                     CHSM             33
                               42 Denver Squid                       SQUID            31
                               43 New England Masters                NEM              29
                               44 Mission Viejo Masters              MVN              26
                               45 Cleveland Aquatic Team             CAQT             24
                               45 St Louis Masters                   SLAM             24
                               45 Walnut Creek Masters               WCM              24
                               48 Sydney Wett Ones Swimming Club     SYDN             21
                               49 South End Rowing Club              SERC             19
                               50 Ukiah Valley Athletic Club         UVAC             17
                               51 Marcia's Enthusiastic Masters      MEMO             15
                               52 Las Vegas Masters                  LVM              13
                               53 Albany Armada Aquatics Masters     ALB               7
                               53 SilverPeak Performance             SPP               7
                               53 Austin Swim Club                   ASC               7
                               53 Longhorn Aquatics                  TXLA              7
                               57 Sacramento Masters                 SACMA             6
                               58 Tlv Nemos                          TLV               4
                                             Combined Team Scores
                            Place Team                                            Points
                                1 District of Columbia Aquatics      DCAC           2208
                                2 West Hollywood Aquatics            WH2O           2107
                                3 San Francisco Tsunami Swimming     TSUN           1242.5
                                4 Long Beach Grunions                LBG            1201
                                5 Different Strokes Swim Team        DSST1           866
                                6 Team New York Aquatics             TNYA            459
                                7 Swim Fort Lauderdale               SFTL            458
                                8 Minnesota Ice                      MNICE           410.5
                                9 Orca Swim Team                     ORCA            319
                               10 Dogos NataciÛn Argentina           DNA             310.5
                               11 Downtown Swim Club Toronto         DSC             283
                               12 Portland Timberfish                PDX             245
                               13 ¿ Contre-Courant Swimming          ACC             170
                               14 Atlanta Rainbow Trout              ART             165
                               15 San Diego Swim Masters             SDSM            159
                               16 Gold Coast Masters                 GOLD            150
                               16 Unattached Southern Pacific        UC33            150
                               18 Conejo Valley Multisport Maste     CVMM            124
                               19 Making Waves Aquatics Club         MW              116
                               20 Novaquatics Masters                NOVA            115.5
                               21 Las Vegas Masters                  LVM             113
                               21 Rose Bowl Masters                  ROSE            113
                               23 Swim Out Orlando                   SWOUT            98
                               24 Ohio Splash                        OHSP             90
                               25 Queer Utah Aquatic Club            QUAC             80
                               26 Mission Viejo Masters              MVN              79
                               27 Out to Swim                        O2SWM            70
                               28 Denver Squid                       SQUID            65
                               29 Unattached Pacific                 UC38             58
                               30 St Petersburg Masters              SPM              55
                               30 Different Strokes                  DS-M             55
                               30 Team Redbird                       TRB              55
                               30 New York Athletic Club             NYAC             55
                               34 Boston Lanes (Liquid Assets Ne     LANES            54
                               35 Albany Armada Aquatics Masters     ALB              53
                               35 Piranha Swim Team Masters          PSP              53
                               37 Team Auckland Masters              AUCK             51
                               37 Paris Aquatique                    PARIS            51
                               37 Fins Aquatics Club                 FINSP            51
                               40 Hawai'i Masters                    HIMA             47
                               41 English Bay Swim Club              EBSC             44
                               41 English Bay WhiskeyJacks           EBWJ             44
                               41 Ventura County Masters             VCM              44
                               44 Missouri Valley Masters            MOVY             38
                               44 Coronado Masters Association       CMA              38
                               44 Golden Road Aquatics               GRA              38
                               47 Jellies Aquatics Masters of Mo     JAMM             37
                               47 Hammerhead Aquatics                HAFL             37
                               47 Gay Swim Amsterdam                 GSWAM            37
                               47 Santa Barbara Masters Swimming     SBM              37
                               51 Masters of San Clemente Aquati     MSCA             36
                               52 Southern California Aquatics       SCAQ             33
                               52 Chicago Smelts                     CHSM             33
                               54 New England Masters                NEM              29
                               55 St Louis Masters                   SLAM             24
                               55 Cleveland Aquatic Team             CAQT             24
                               55 Walnut Creek Masters               WCM              24
                               58 Sydney Wett Ones Swimming Club     SYDN             21
                               59 South End Rowing Club              SERC             19
                               60 Ukiah Valley Athletic Club         UVAC             17
                               61 Marcia's Enthusiastic Masters      MEMO             15
                               62 SilverPeak Performance             SPP               7
                               62 Longhorn Aquatics                  TXLA              7
                               62 Austin Swim Club                   ASC               7
                               65 Sacramento Masters                 SACMA             6
                               66 Tlv Nemos                          TLV               4